"Quick write a web page while I go and think of why we need it." 


The panic to "get netted" need not lead to islands of information connected by drawbridges stuck in the "up" position.


We will ask the business questions that you need to answer to understand the power of the Internet and its potential to your business. We will take you step by step through the internet maze, and help you to map out a strategy for success.


Yes Kinghorn Associates can build your web site from ground up, but we can also connect you through the Internet to your business partners, customers, and suppliers so that you can work together as one company. Now doesn't that make more sense?


The real strategic advantage of the Internet lies in efficiency and responsiveness. Efficiency and responsiveness throughout your entire supply web. Local optimization merely pushes the supply bubble elsewhere in the web. What good is it to automate your sales process so that you can take thousands of orders over the web if you cannot deliver? Take a look at your web site. If it is not directly connected to your supply web, your financial systems and your customer information systems, you are merely pushing the bubble around.


Kinghorn Associates will build your web site with the end result in mind - satisfied customers and increased sales.